Effective Date:   June 1, 2007
Expiration Date:   See section 7 (2), 2005 Wis.
  Act 456
Hearing Date:   June 27, 2007
Commerce (2)
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 104-135
emergency_rules EmR0802 1.   EmR0802 - Creating Ch. Comm 132, relating to implementing a program for certifying applicants and allocating dairy manufacturing facility investment tax credits, and affecting small businesses.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Commerce finds that an emergency exists and that adoption of the rule included in this order is necessary for the immediate preservation of public welfare.
The facts constituting the emergency are as follows. Under sections 71.07 (3p) (b), 71.28 (3p) (b), and 71.47 (3p) (b) of the Statutes, as created in 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, a taxpayer may claim a dairy manufacturing facility investment credit for dairy manufacturing modernization or expansion during taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006. Sections 71.07 (3p) (a) 3., 71.28 (3p) (a) 3., and 71.47 (3p) (a) 3. of the Statutes define dairy manufacturing modernization or expansion as “constructing, improving, or acquiring buildings or facilities, or acquiring equipment, for dairy manufacturing . . . if acquired and placed in service in this state during taxable years that begin after December 31, 2006, and before January 1, 2015." Section 71.07 (3p) (c) 2m. a. of the Statutes states that the maximum amount of credits that may be claimed in fiscal year 2007-08 is $600,000.
Section 560.207 of the Statutes, as likewise created in 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, requires the Department to (1) implement a program for certifying taxpayers as eligible for the dairy manufacturing facility investment credit, (2) determine the amount of credits to allocate to those taxpayers, and (3) in consultation with the Department of Revenue, promulgate rules to administer the program. No other provisions are established in the Statutes regarding the specific process for taxpayers to use in applying for the credits, and for the Department of Commerce to use in certifying eligible taxpayers and in allocating the credits.
Because of enactment of 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, a number of entities that may be eligible for the tax credits have contacted the Department with inquiries concerning the process for applying for the credits, for expenditures that have been incurred during taxable years that began after December 31, 2006.
Entities that may be eligible for the tax credits for the 2007-08 fiscal year face near-term time constraints for filing their tax returns with the Department of Revenue. Although the Department of Commerce has begun promulgating the permanent rule that is required by 2007 Act 20, the time periods in chapter 227 of the Statutes for promulgating permanent rules preclude the permanent rule from becoming effective in time to readily accommodate claiming the tax credits for the 2007-08 fiscal year. This emergency rule will enable the Department of Commerce to establish an application, certification, and tax credit allocation process for the entities that need to soon file their tax returns for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.
Publication Date:   February 4, 2008
Effective Date:   February 4, 2008
Expiration Date:   July 3, 2008
Hearing Date:   May 14, 2008
Extension Through:   September 1, 2008
emergency_rules EmR0823 2.   EmR0823 - Rules adopted amending Comm Table 108.6–1, sections Comm 108.07 (5), 108.22 (1), and 154.06 (intro.), relating to emergency assistance grants in the community development block grant program, and affecting small businesses.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Commerce finds that an emergency exists and that adoption of the rule included in this order is necessary for the immediate preservation of public health, safety, and welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows.
Currently under sections Comm 108.06, 108.07, and 108.22 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, as promulgated under sections 560.04, 560.045, and 560.9809 of the Statutes, the Department may annually use up to 5 percent of its federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to repair or replace public infrastructure or facilities, or for emergency services necessitated by a natural disaster or catastrophic event. Also under sections Comm 108.07 and 108.22, the maximum amount of CDBG funds that the Department can award to any local government for a natural disaster or catastrophic event is $500,000.
Currently under section Comm 154.06, as promulgated under sections 560.02 (4) and 560.9809 (2) of the Statutes, the Department may annually use up to $2,000,000 of CDGB funds to address emergency housing needs caused by natural disasters or catastrophic events.
Because of the unprecedented levels of damage to public infrastructure and facilities from the severe storms and widespread flooding that occurred throughout the State in June 2008, the need for emergency assistance to communities far exceeds the $1.35 Million of CDBG funding that results from the above 5-percent limit, and the need for emergency housing assistance for low and moderate income households far exceeds the above $2,000,000. Communities and households in 28 of the 30 counties where the Governor has declared a state of emergency are eligible for this CDBG program assistance.
This emergency rule repeals the above limits of 5 percent, $500,000 and $2,000,000. This will enable the Department to (1) use any available CDBG funds for emergency assistance with repairing or replacing public infrastructure and facilities, and with repairing or replacing homes damaged by the severe storms and flooding; and (2) base the award amounts on the scope of the damages and destruction in the community and on the funds available.
Publication Date:   July 16, 2008
Effective Date:   July 16, 2008
Expiration Date:   December 16, 2008
Hearing Date:   August 27, 2008
emergency_rules EmR0812 EmR0812 - Rules adopted revising s. DOC 332.19, relating to the establishment of a sex offender registration fee to partially offset the costs of monitoring persons who are required to register as sex offenders.
Finding of Emergency
The department of corrections finds that an emergency exists and that rules included in this order are necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health, safety and welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is: 2007 WI Act 20, section 3132, amended s. 301.45 (10), Stats., in three ways which requires an immediate amendment of s. DOC 332.19.
First, the newly amended s. 301.45 (10), Stats., expands the persons whom the department of corrections may require to pay an annual sex offender registration fee. Previously, the department was limited to assessing the fee only against those persons who were required to register and who were in its custody or under its supervision as a person on probation, parole, or extended supervision. The new law permits the department to require all persons who are required to register as a sex offender to pay an annual fee.
Second, the new law limits the use of the collected sex offender fees to partially offset the costs of monitoring sex offenders. Previously, the department was authorized to use the collected fees to partially offset the costs of monitoring those persons on probation, parole, or extended supervision, regardless of whether they were required to register as sex offenders.
Third, the legislature increased the maximum annual rate from $50 to $100. If the rule is not amended promptly and immediately, the department will not be able to collect the fees which are to be used to offset the costs of monitoring persons who are required to register as sex offenders. This could result in a lessening of supervision due to budget limitations.
The purpose of the emergency rule is to amend the current rule to require all persons who are required to register as sex offenders under s. 301.45 to pay the annual fee which is used to partially offset the costs of monitoring registrants. The emergency rule also increases the annual rate to $100. The permanent rule process has been started. However, the permanent rule process will take approximately nine months to complete. Emergency rules are necessary to respond promptly to the collection of fees while permanent rules are being developed.
Publication Date:   May 15, 2008
Effective Date:   May 15, 2008
Expiration Date:   October 12, 2008
Hearing Date:   July 24, 2008
Health Services
(Formerly Health and Family Services)
Management & Technology & Strategic Finance,
Chs. HFS 1
EmR0810 - Rule adopted amending ss. HFS 10.55 (1) and 10.56 (2); and creating ss. HFS 10.55 (1m) and 10.56 (2m), relating to fair hearings and continuation of benefits pending the outcome of a grievance, Department review, or fair hearing under the family care program.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Health and Family Services finds that an emergency exists and that the adoption of an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public, health, safety and welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
2007 Wisconsin Act 20 eliminates entitlement to non-Medicaid eligibility for Family Care, which could result in some Family Care enrollees being determined ineligible and disenrolled from the program.
In addition, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has restricted the Family Care benefit for enrollees at the non-nursing home level of care.
Currently, under ss. HFS 10.55 and 10.56, persons whose services are terminated may request a hearing and continuation of benefits during an appeal. Individuals who appeal the loss of non-Medicaid eligibility or reduction of services as a result of the restriction of the benefit for people eligible at the non-nursing home level of care will lose the appeal because the change in law and federal policy makes it clear that they are no longer entitled to those benefits. In addition, if benefits continued during an appeal, the individual would be responsible for repayment of the cost of continued services. Therefore, the right to appeal is of no real benefit.
HFS 10.56 (2) gives enrollees whose services are reduced or terminated the option to request continuation of services during a fair hearing, grievance, or Department review of the termination or reduction of services. For individuals appealing the loss of non-Medicaid eligibility, or termination or reduction of services as a result of the restriction of the benefit for people eligible at the non-nursing home level of care, continuation of services will be counter-productive to the welfare of the appellant, because the termination and reduction of benefits will have resulted from a change in law. The appellant will lose the appeal and as a result of the loss, be responsible for the cost of the continued services, which may be significant as costs could be in the thousands of dollars.
Under this emergency order, the Department is providing an exception to the right to a fair hearing and continuation of services during a fair hearing, grievance, or Department review when Family Care benefits are reduced or terminated by an act of the federal government or the state legislature and the individual whose benefits have been terminated or reduced does not dispute that he or she falls within the category of persons for whom the benefit was reduced or terminated. The Department has determined that appeals and continuation of benefits under these circumstances would be detrimental to the welfare of approximately 730 individuals and should be prevented.
Publication Date:   April 7, 2008
Effective Date:   April 7, 2008
Expiration Date:   September 4, 2008
Hearing Date:   May 12, 2008
emergency_rules EmR0817 EmR0817 - Rule adopted revising Ch. Ins 3, relating to long-term care plans including the long-term care partnership program qualifying policies and affecting small business.
Finding of Emergency
The Commissioner of Insurance finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. Facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
The State of Wisconsin will be implementing the Wisconsin Partnership Program effective January 1, 2009, the date approved by the federal government in accordance with the Department of Health and Family Services' application for participation. As part of the enabling statute as amended, the state requires that all insurance intermediaries receive specific training prior soliciting any long-term care products on or after January 1, 2009. In order to minimize the impact of the additional training, the proposed rule permits the training, if approved, to qualify for continuing education therefore, intermediaries can meet two training requirements simultaneously. For training to be approved and courses offered prior to January 1, 2009, the office needs to promulgate this rule to provide the guidelines necessary for creation and submission of training programs. Therefore the office must promulgate this rule as an emergency rule.
In addition, in order for insurers to offer products intended to qualify for the Wisconsin partnership program, such products shall be submitted to the office prior to use. The insurers must submit those products sufficiently in advance of January 1, 2009, so that there is time for review by the office and implementation time for the insurers. These changes include modifications to s. Ins 3.455 including repealing and recreating the applicable definitions and modifying the conversion requirements; modifications to s. Ins 3.46 including deletion of the blanket exemption for group long-term care products replaced with narrow exceptions, modification to the marketing and advertising requirements with notable new requirements for insurers and intermediaries to submit to OCI marketing and advertisement material prior to use, new group insurance requirements, modifications to the permissive limitations and exclusions, disclosures, replacement requirements, reporting requirements for insurers added regarding suitability; conversion modifications, incontestability and standards for marketing. The appendices to s. Ins 3.46 have also been repealed and recreated and now include several reporting forms for tracking suitability, rescissions, claims denial, replacement and lapses by state to be filed by insurers. As noted above, the major addition to s. Ins 3.46 is the intermediary training requirement as required by s. 628.348 (1), Stats. Finally, the changes also include a new section, s. Ins 3.465 and appendices, related to the Wisconsin Partnership Program that is to be available beginning January 1, 2009.
A combined rule hearing will be held for both the emergency and permanent rule on June 16, 2008.
Publication Date:   June 2, 2008
Effective Date:   June 3, 2008
Expiration Date:   October 3, 2008
Hearing Date:   June 16, 2008
Natural Resources
Environmental Protection - General, Chs. NR 100
emergency_rules EmR0809 EmR0809 - Rule adopted to repeal s. NR 198.15 (2), to renumber s. NR 198.12 (6) to (10), to amend ss. NR 198.11, 198.14 (1) (e) and (f) 2., 198.23 (5) to (7), 198.33 (5), and 198.44 (5) and to create ss. NR 198.12 (6) and (7), 198.33 (6) and subch. V of ch. NR 198, relating to grants for the control of aquatic invasive species.
Finding of Emergency
The substantial increase in grant funding is a strong message from the Legislature that concern over the welfare of our public waters is growing, along with the expectation that these additional funds be put to work as soon as possible. The appropriation from which these funds are spent is a biennial appropriation, meaning that any unspent funds at the end of the biennium automatically lapse back to the Water Resources Account of the Conservation Fund. The timeline for permanent rule promulgation and the lack of staff to provide support to eligible sponsors may impede the Department's ability to fully and responsibly invest the authorized spending by the end of the biennium because of the current rule's limitations. An emergency rule will help to minimize or eliminate the amount of funds that are lapsed.
Publication Date:   April 7, 2008
Effective Date:   July 1, 2008
Expiration Date:   November 28, 2008
Pharmacy Examining Board
emergency_rules EmR0815 EmR0815 - Rule adopted revising Ch. Phar 13, relating to the regulation of wholesale prescription drug distributors.
Finding of Emergency
The Board has made a finding of emergency. The Board finds that failure to have the proposed rules in effect on June 1, 2008, the effective date of the applicable provisions of 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, will create a danger to the public health, safety and welfare, by disrupting the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs in the state of Wisconsin.
Publication Date:   May 29, 2008
Effective Date:   June 1, 2008
Expiration Date:   October 29, 2008
Hearing Date:   July 23, 2008
Public Instruction (4)
emergency_rules EmR0801 1.   EmR0801 - Creating Ch. PI 31, relating to grants for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Public Instruction finds that an emergency exists and that the adoption of an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
The STEM program under s. 115.28 (46), Stats., was created under 2007 Wisconsin Act 20. The Act became effective October 27, 2007, and appropriated $61,500 annually beginning in the 2007-08 school year. In order for school districts to develop applications and for the department to review the applications and grant awards in time for the program to operate in the second semester of the school year, rules must be in place as soon as possible to establish application criteria and procedures.
Publication Date:   January 30, 2008
Effective Date:   January 30, 2008
Expiration Date:   June 28, 2008
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.